Fernando Javier Núñez Baltazar was 8 years old when his mother found us. Fernando has developed small tumors and his vision has deteriorated due to Xeroderma Pigmentosum.
He was only a year old when a skin disease began to develop due to exposure to sunlight. His parents did not know he was having medical problems with his skin. They thought his little freckles were normal until they sought help at an institution in the D.F. (the Distrito Federal, Mexico). The physicians referred Fernando to a skin specialist.
The dermatologist said Fernando was a one out of one thousand child. He was a child with the rare skin disease called Xeroderma Pigmentosum. This news made Fernando’s parents feel very sad because they do not have the financial resources to help their son.
His mother, Magdalena, said, “I have suffered along with him as he struggles with this disease. I have continued to fight for my child’s life because he has this very painful disease. My son is a wonderful child who has taught me to value every day of our lives.”
Persons with XP must stay protected from sunlight. The disease is often undetected until unusual skin changes appear over time. Damage may lead to cancers of the skin and eye, and other medical problems. Persons with XP and their families face many challenges in daily living with physical, emotional, social, and economic consequences. Skin changes (including cancers at an early age) and other physical problems may affect school experiences, recreational activities, and social relationships. Coping with chronic illness and disability is very difficult.
Please join with our organization XP Grupo Luz de Esperanza to provide support for Fernando. Your financial gift will provide assistance to purchase ultraviolet protection equipment and clothing to prevent additional serious skin and eye damage including cancers. Your contribution will be used to help Fernando obtain medical supplies and other basic daily living items.
Thank you so much for your help and support. XP Grupo Luz de Esperanza (XP Light of Hope Group) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your contributions are tax deductible. Mail checks to:
XP Grupo Luz de Esperanza, Inc.
55 Yorkshire Dr
Apt 207
Waterford 06385, CT
Estados Unidos
To learn more about XP Grupo Luz de Esperanza or the disease of Xeroderma Pigmentosum, please visit our bilingual website: www.xpgrupoluzdeesperanza.org